World Cup Liberec 2011 Middle

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World Cup Liberec Middle 2011 TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from World Cup Liberec Middle 2011.


Map with camera positions

Worked well

  • Used many of the elements available in an orienteering broadcast
  • One of the best use of preproduced material/intro-graphics seen so far with
    • HeadCam video (not synchronized with map, though)
    • 3D Flyover of map
    • 2D Preview of course / TV splits
    • Routechoice alternatives comparison (premade material)
    • Full startlist, weather-info etc.
  • Good, long TV sections in nice forest where the runners look fast and in their right element
  • GPS often shown for the same leg (the long leg) to get viewers used to this leg

Did not work well

  • Several "smaller" details: Graphics with runner names / running time sometimes comes too late (spotters missing?), broke off in the middle of 2D course preview due to camera footage coming up, some technical problems with GPS data, not always best choice of which runners to show on GPS etc.
  • Why no GPS replay of medalists / decision for gold? Maybe due to technical problems with some GPS-routes?

Lessons to be learned

  • Even better use of GPS should be possible?

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start footage (not used often used fully)

Clip duration: 30 seconds (0:31:42:56 -> 0:32:12:63) startfootagenotusedoftenusedfully.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Handheld running behind

Clip duration: 7 seconds (0:35:02:79 -> 0:35:09:15) handheldrunningbehind.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

TV Split 2 - Control 18 (upper routechoice)

Clip duration: 64 seconds (0:14:58:93 -> 0:16:02:29) tvsplit2control18upperroutechoice.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

TV Split 2 - Control 18 (lower routechoice / mistake)

Clip duration: 71 seconds (0:13:40:53 -> 0:14:51:69) tvsplit2control18.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Run-in Finish complete

Clip duration: 25 seconds (1:32:09:42 -> 1:32:34:66) runinfinishcomplete.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS replay sync - compares two runners (some technical problems)

Clip duration: 32 seconds (0:26:17:12 -> 0:26:49:04) gpsreplaysynccomparestworunnerssometechnicalproblems.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS replay sync - routechoice comparison long leg

Clip duration: 20 seconds (0:28:43:68 -> 0:29:03:92) gpsreplaysyncroutechoicecomparisonlongleg.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS Replay Sync 3 runners

Clip duration: 17 seconds (0:38:50:99 -> 0:39:07:11) gpsreplaysync3runners.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS relay sync to show mistake of a runner

Clip duration: 17 seconds (0:47:13:54 -> 0:47:30:46) gpsrelaysynctoshowmistakeofarunner.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS replay of single runner to show mistake

Clip duration: 13 seconds (0:50:19:42 -> 0:50:32:82) gpsreplayofsinglerunnertoshowmistake.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS live transition into TV picture of runner

Clip duration: 131 seconds (1:41:09:17 -> 1:43:20:65) gpslivetransitionintotvpictureofrunner.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

GPS replay fight for 3rd place (but why not fight for victory)

Clip duration: 25 seconds (1:45:53:65 -> 1:46:18:81) gpsreplayfightfor3rdplacebutwhynotfightforvictory.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material

Preproduced material - 3D Flyover

Clip duration: 29 seconds (0:00:58:06 -> 0:01:27:06) preproducedmaterial3dflyover.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Preproduced material - HeadCam video - without synchronized map

Clip duration: 52 seconds (0:01:45:38 -> 0:02:37:18) preproducedmaterialheadcamvideowithoutsynchronizedmap.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

2D Course preview and preview of splits - part 1

Clip duration: 44 seconds (0:08:59:10 -> 0:09:43:65) 2dcoursepreviewandpreviewofsplitspart1.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Preproduced material - Routechoice comparison

Clip duration: 23 seconds (0:11:15:73 -> 0:11:38:25) preproducedmaterialroutechoicecomparison.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

2D Route comparison - premade material

Clip duration: 17 seconds (0:23:45:16 -> 0:24:02:68) 2droutecomparisonpremadematerial.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Graphics / Effects

Graphics - Intro

Clip duration: 22 seconds (0:00:19:98 -> 0:00:41:10) graphicsintro.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Graphics - startlist

Clip duration: 72 seconds (0:02:44:70 -> 0:03:56:58) graphicsstartlist.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Split screen

Clip duration: 7 seconds (0:16:04:09 -> 0:16:11:09) splitscreen.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

Replay medal winners run-in

Clip duration: 54 seconds (1:46:31:37 -> 1:47:25:53) replaymedalwinnersrunin.wc-liberec-middle-men-2011.

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