From OTV
- Orienteering on TV - great potential, written by Björn Persson (from Orienteering World 2011)
- More TV coverage than ever from the World Cup, written by Björn Persson (from O-zine 2007)
- IOF Sponsor guide 2011 (some information related to TV productions)
- Orienteering is a TV sport, written by Erik Borg (in O-zine 2006, see page 5)
- Orienteering - the "new and exciting" sport on TV - presentation by Petter Thoresen for the IOF at WOC 2005, Japan. Micr-o is the discipline discussed here - see more about plans for TV-production with Micr-o for Norwegian TV2 here and IOF rules for Micr-o from june 2006. See also some reactions to micr-o in the o-community here.
- IOF Professional Arena production - 139 slides
- Presentation of IOF Professional Arena production project, Helsinki 2006 - 100 slides
- Presentations from the IOF High Level Event Seminar Prague, Czech Republic, 5–6 February 2011 (not available online - will try to get these available)
- IOF has some CD/DVD available about arena production (not found online as of now - will try to get these available) - this seems to be part of that package though
Other links
- WOC 2006 - plans for TV production - and TV spots WOC 2006 (some dead links)
- Video: Sample scenarios for Orienteering TV productions of the future presented to the IOF by Jan Kocbach / woO-TV at a meeting in Kiev, Ukraine during WOC 2007
- Map animations for visualization of orienteering (presentation, 2010)
- The Leibnitz convention
- Fiinish blog with some thought about Micr-o and TV - might be some facts there to extract for this project]