From OTV
World Cup Liberec Long 2011 TV footage analysis
Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from World Cup Liberec Long 2011.
Give summary here
Map with camera positions
Worked well
Did not work well
- Long distance chasing start concept worked well as replay, but would not work well live (both were broadcast?). The problems with live:
- Showed start footage for 15 minutes - no GPS footage until after that
- Showed first control for a long time with "uninteresting" runners and no graphics
- Showed GPS live for 15 minutes without interruption (inside spreading method where there is not much to be understood anyway)
Lessons to be learned
Scene analysis - camera footage
Start footage
Clip duration: 849 seconds (0:04:08:41 -> 0:18:17:68)
TV 1 - 1st control
Clip duration: 29 seconds (0:19:05:92 -> 0:19:34:24)
TV 1 - 1st control (followers)
Clip duration: 16 seconds (0:20:34:76 -> 0:20:50:52)
TV Split 2 - 19th control
Clip duration: 44 seconds (1:10:10:56 -> 1:10:54:52)
TV 20st control
Clip duration: 15 seconds (1:11:32:92 -> 1:11:47:80)
TV Split 4 - 29th to 30th control
Clip duration: 55 seconds (1:30:15:02 -> 1:31:10:18)
TV Split 5 - 31st control (no graphics)
Clip duration: 18 seconds (1:36:01:21 -> 1:36:19:65)
TV Split 6 - 32nd control
Clip duration: 11 seconds (1:39:05:69 -> 1:39:16:93)
Split screen camera footage on each butterfly control combined with GPS
Clip duration: 36 seconds (1:40:34:41 -> 1:41:10:45)
Run-in footage with GPS transition to live footage
Clip duration: 78 seconds (1:46:45:28 -> 1:48:03:36)
Scene analysis - GPS data
GPS Replay 1st control
Clip duration: 6 seconds (0:20:20:40 -> 0:20:26:16)
GPS Replay from start again - more runners, slower and going until 4th control
Clip duration: 127 seconds (0:23:47:72 -> 0:25:54:48)
GPS Live many runners
Clip duration: 997 seconds (0:29:24:11 -> 0:46:01:18)
GPS transition to footage 20th control
Clip duration: 18 seconds (1:11:08:80 -> 1:11:26:00)
GPS and camera footage split screen with special results graphics to show butterfly standings and happenings
Clip duration: 67 seconds (1:16:21:87 -> 1:17:28:67)
Preproduced route comparison while showing live GPS
Clip duration: 18 seconds (0:46:42:86 -> 0:47:00:66)
GPS replay on top of ideal route choice alternatives
Clip duration: 27 seconds (0:51:31:21 -> 0:51:58:41)
Scene analysis - Pre-produced material
3D course Preview
Clip duration: 6 seconds (0:00:00:86 -> 0:00:06:34) - only part of preview included here
HeadCam video preview
Clip duration: 39 seconds (0:00:33:82 -> 0:01:12:22)
Graphics startlist
Clip duration: 76 seconds (0:01:55:14 -> 0:03:11:22)
GPS and camera footage split screen with special results graphics to show butterfly standings and happenings
Clip duration: 67 seconds (1:16:21:87 -> 1:17:28:67)
Graphics for butterfly standings combined with GPS and footage
Clip duration: 56 seconds (1:21:34:15 -> 1:22:30:11)
Graphics - Split screen butterfly visualization with camera on each butterfly and GPS
Unfortunately upper/lower TV and graphics were interchanged.
Clip duration: 36 seconds (1:40:34:41 -> 1:41:10:45)