WOC 2011 Relay

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WOC 2011 Relay - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from WOC 2011 Relay. The mens relay is analyzed.


Several problems with the graphics etc. in the broadcast. Missed the top teams at some of the TV-controls.

TV control positions


Worked well

Did not work well

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start relay

Clip duration: 122 seconds (0:45:55:27 -> 0:47:57:44) startrelay.relay-woc-2011.

TV control 6, 1st leg

Clip duration: 32 seconds (0:49:01:00 -> 0:49:33:96) tvcontrol6,1stleg.relay-woc-2011.

TV Arena passing, 1st leg (no graphics)

Clip duration: 66 seconds (0:51:08:88 -> 0:52:14:76) Same arena passing also shown for later legs. tvarenapassing,1stlegnographics.relay-woc-2011.

TV control 6, 2nd leg

Clip duration: 23 seconds (0:57:31:13 -> 0:57:54:25) tvcontrol6,2ndleg.relay-woc-2011.

Changeover 2nd leg (no graphics, changeover situation not shown)

Clip duration: 95 seconds (1:00:01:69 -> 1:01:36:93) changeover2ndlegnographics,changeoversituationnotshown.relay-woc-2011.

TV 2nd control, 3rd leg

Clip duration: 11 seconds (1:03:34:73 -> 1:03:45:85) tv2ndcontrol,3rdleg.relay-woc-2011.

TV 4th control, 3rd leg. Lost leader, late graphics

Clip duration: 34 seconds (1:05:16:74 -> 1:05:50:22) tv4thcontrol,3rdleg.lostleader,lategraphics.relay-woc-2011.

TV control 6, 3rd leg

Clip duration: 30 seconds (1:06:58:06 -> 1:07:28:34) tvcontrol6,3rdleg.relay-woc-2011.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS Live white map 1st leg

Clip duration: 15 seconds (0:56:27:45 -> 0:56:42:89) gpslivewhitemap1stleg.relay-woc-2011.

GPS Live with time behind superimposed

Clip duration: 9 seconds (1:06:25:94 -> 1:06:34:26) gpslivewithtimebehindsuperimposed.relay-woc-2011.

GPS Live with time behind changes to camera footage

Clip duration: 36 seconds (1:07:57:10 -> 1:08:33:34) gpslivewithtimebehindchangestocamerafootage.relay-woc-2011.

GPS Live with time behind shown

Clip duration: 23 seconds (1:08:53:22 -> 1:09:16:78) gpslivewithtimebehindshown.relay-woc-2011.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material 

No pre-produced material seen.


Graphics standings control 6 1st leg

Clip duration: 5 seconds (0:50:50:24 -> 0:50:55:76) graphicsstandingscontrol61stleg.relay-woc-2011.

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