WOC 2010 Relay

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WOC 2010 Relay - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from WOC 2010 Relay.


TV control positions


Worked well

Did not work well

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start footage

Clip duration: 32 seconds (0:17:07:15 -> 0:17:39:95) startfootage.relay-woc-2010.

1.6 km (1st leg)

Clip duration: 28 seconds (0:24:51:70 -> 0:25:19:00) 1.6km1stleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV 1.6 km (2nd leg)

Clip duration: 50 seconds (0:53:24:95 -> 0:54:14:05) tv1.6km2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV split around 3.5 km no graphics (1st leg)

Clip duration: 49 seconds (0:35:50:50 -> 0:36:39:65) tvsplitnographics1stleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV split around 3.5 km no graphics (2nd leg)

Clip duration: 18 seconds (1:05:28:25 -> 1:05:46:45) tvcontrolnographics2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV 3.7 km (1st leg)

Clip duration: 58 seconds (0:36:48:60 -> 0:37:46:65) tv3.7km1stleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV 6.0 km (2nd leg)

Clip duration: 25 seconds (1:20:37:95 -> 1:21:02:20) tv6.0km2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

Arena passing (after 6.9 km)

Clip duration: 118 seconds (1:27:39:80 -> 1:29:37:60) arenapassingafter6.9km.relay-woc-2010.

TV no graphics (ahead of 8.4 km, 2nd leg)

Clip duration: 41 seconds (1:34:40:30 -> 1:35:21:65) tvnographicsaheadof8.4km,2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

8.4 km (2nd leg)

Clip duration: 23 seconds (1:35:42:05 -> 1:36:05:95) 8.4km2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV exchange 2nd leg

Clip duration: 81 seconds (1:36:34:35 -> 1:37:55:20) tvexchange2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

TV finish/run-in 1st leg (long clip - far away - two controls)

Clip duration: 186 seconds (0:43:14:35 -> 0:46:20:35) tvfinishruninlongclipfarawaytwocontrols.relay-woc-2010.

TV no graphics Start/road passing (2nd leg)

Clip duration: 49 seconds (0:48:26:25 -> 0:49:15:15) tvnographicsstartroadpassing2ndleg.relay-woc-2010.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS Live selected teams (7 teams)

Clip duration: 92 seconds (0:39:39:55 -> 0:41:11:70) gpsliveselectedteams7teams.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live all teams

Clip duration: 2 seconds (0:38:52:85 -> 0:38:54:55) gpsliveallteams.relay-woc-2010.

GPS replay routechoice comparison replay during interview

Clip duration: 48 seconds (0:47:35:50 -> 0:48:23:70) gpsreplayroutechoicecomparisonreplayduringinterview.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live 6 runners (Norway marked)

Clip duration: 28 seconds (0:49:51:75 -> 0:50:19:60) gpslive6runnersnorwaymarked.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live 6 runners

Clip duration: 30 seconds (0:51:14:00 -> 0:51:44:90) gpslive6runners.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live 10 runners

Clip duration: 97 seconds (0:58:47:70 -> 1:00:24:15) gpslive10runners.relay-woc-2010.

GPS all runners

Clip duration: 172 seconds (1:01:57:50 -> 1:04:49:70) gpsallrunners.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live

Clip duration: 129 seconds (1:09:58:05 -> 1:12:07:75) gpslive.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Live

Clip duration: 68 seconds (1:14:46:35 -> 1:15:54:35) gpslive.relay-woc-2010.

GPS live to camera (camera without graphics)

Clip duration: 126 seconds (1:18:11:35 -> 1:20:17:50) gpslivetocameracamerawithoutgraphics.relay-woc-2010.

GPS live many runners (changing focus)

Clip duration: 38 seconds (1:30:45:55 -> 1:31:23:30) gpslivemanyrunnerschangingfocus.relay-woc-2010.

GPS to camera 6.9 km (2nd leg) - running time / runner names missing

Clip duration: 149 seconds (1:24:38:20 -> 1:27:07:95) gpstocamera6.9km2ndlegrunningtimerunnernamesmissing.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Replay Sync (actually only replay as this is mass start)

Clip duration: 15 seconds (1:36:16:90 -> 1:36:31:20) gpsrelaysyncactuallyonlyreplayasthisismassstart.relay-woc-2010.

GPS Replay as part of interview

Clip duration: 67 seconds (2:39:32:65 -> 2:40:39:70) gpsreplayaspartofinterview.relay-woc-2010.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material


Graphics standings after 1st leg

Clip duration: 6 seconds (0:50:43:75 -> 0:50:49:25) graphicsstandingsafter1stleg.relay-woc-2010.

Women's relay

A very limited production was made from the women's relay. The first two legs were replayed in around 6-8 minutes, and the last 2-3 km of the last leg were shown live. Some camera footage and quite a lot of GPS was shown in the live part.

Replay first two legs

Clip duration: 306 seconds (0:06:06:15 -> 0:11:12:00) replayfirsttwolegs.relay-woc-2010.

Live from 3.2 km in women last leg

Clip duration: 13 seconds (0:11:42:65 -> 0:11:55:00) livefrom3.2kminwomenlastleg.relay-woc-2010.

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