WOC 2009 Middle

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WOC 2009 Middle - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from WOC 2009 Middle. Mostly the men's race is looked at.


TV production on a budget with fewer camera locations than e.g. WOC 2008 or WOC 2010. GPS-tracking by provider who did not deliver advanced GPS modes.

Position of TV-controls

In addition to there TV positions, there were pictures coming from the start to the finish, but those were sent to the OB-bus on tape by bicycle every 15-20 minutes.


Worked well

Did not work well

  • Missing graphics for several runners
  • No GPS-tracking - misses one important element in the broadcast
  • One TV control in very dense forest - orienteers do not look fast

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start footage (transferred to finish by bicycle)

Clip duration: 16 seconds (0:10:10:60 -> 0:10:26:32) startfootagetransferredtofinishbybicycle.woc-2009_08_19_middle_kozeptav_donto.

TV split 1 - control 12 (dense forest)

Clip duration: 44 seconds (0:03:38:62 -> 0:04:22:82) tvcontrol12denseforest.middle-men-woc-2009.

TV split 2 - control 19 (open area)

Clip duration: 38 seconds (0:15:15:42 -> 0:15:53:26) tvcontrol19.middle-men-woc-2009.

Finish - run-in

Clip duration: 54 seconds (0:18:08:18 -> 0:19:02:06) finishrunin.middle-men-woc-2009.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS data used in the first part of the broadcast (technical problems?).GPS data provided by Hungarian provider who did only delived "Live" mode and not "Live Sync" mode. Makes it more difficult to use GPS in storytelling.

GPS tracking - live mode (only available)

Clip duration: 120 seconds (2:06:06:64 -> 2:08:06:04) gpstrackinglivemodeonlyavailable.woc-2009_08_19_middle_kozeptav_donto.

GPS tracking - live mode many runners (only available)

Clip duration: 35 seconds (2:15:54:00 -> 2:16:29:48) gpstrackinglivemodemanyrunnersonlyavailable.woc-2009_08_19_middle_kozeptav_donto.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material 


3D Course preview

Clip duration: 67 seconds (0:08:18:56 -> 0:09:25:76) 3dcoursepreview.woc-2009_08_19_middle_kozeptav_donto.

Graphics startlist

Clip duration: 35 seconds (0:11:05:20 -> 0:11:40:56) graphicsstartlist.woc-2009_08_19_middle_kozeptav_donto.

Standings after all passed control - Graphics

Clip duration: 29 seconds (0:08:33:10 -> 0:09:02:98) standingsafterallpassedcontrolgraphics.middle-men-woc-2009.

Final standings

Clip duration: 21 seconds (0:32:45:54 -> 0:33:06:66) finalstandings.middle-men-woc-2009.

Graphics show current leader

Clip duration: 8 seconds (0:24:28:14 -> 0:24:36:90) graphicsshowcurrentleader.middle-men-woc-2009.

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