WOC 2008 Long

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WOC 2008 Long - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from WOC 2008 Long. Broadcast sent as a delayed live(?) No analysis is provided.


Many good elements, but a bit difficult to keep control of all the camera positions. Not always shown in graphics the location of the camera position. Handheld camera made it a bit difficult to recognize where we were.

Map with camera positions


Worked well

Did not work well

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start footage

Clip duration: 55 seconds (0:05:50:29 -> 0:06:45:13) startfootage.woc-2008-_long.

TV split 1

Clip duration: 73 seconds (0:10:54:56 -> 0:12:07:44) tvsplit1.woc-2008-_long.

TV Split 1 (different runner)

Clip duration: 88 seconds (0:13:34:64 -> 0:15:02:00) tvsplit1differentrunner.woc-2008-_long.

TV split 1 men

Clip duration: 56 seconds (0:20:21:16 -> 0:21:17:87) tvsplit1men.woc-2008-_long.

Arena passing

Clip duration: 46 seconds (0:15:33:92 -> 0:16:19:00) arenapassing.woc-2008-_long.

TV split - handheld camera moving

Clip duration: 12 seconds (0:25:18:11 -> 0:25:30:43) tvsplithandheldcameramoving.woc-2008-_long.

TV split towards 9 km

Clip duration: 21 seconds (0:35:41:74 -> 0:36:02:02) tvsplittowards9km.woc-2008-_long.

TV Split 15 km men

Clip duration: 20 seconds (0:18:13:00 -> 0:18:33:52) tvsplit15kmmen.woc-2008-_long.

TV split towards end

Clip duration: 42 seconds (0:29:20:07 -> 0:30:02:99) tvsplittowardsend.woc-2008-_long.

Finish - run-in

Clip duration: 86 seconds (0:39:48:42 -> 0:41:14:38) finishrunin.woc-2008-_long.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS replay first leg (Named Match Replay)

Clip duration: 34 seconds (0:10:11:92 -> 0:10:45:20) gpsreplayfirstlegnamedmatchreplay.woc-2008-_long.

GPS show mistake

Clip duration: 11 seconds (0:17:17:48 -> 0:17:28:00) gpsshowmistake.woc-2008-_long.

GPS replay long leg

Clip duration: 42 seconds (0:37:21:94 -> 0:38:03:86) gpsreplaylongleg.woc-2008-_long.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material

3D Course preview hightlighting 3 different routechoices on long leg

Clip duration: 34 seconds (0:01:35:97 -> 0:02:09:61) 3dcoursepreviewhightlighting3differentroutechoicesonlongleg.woc-2008-_long.

2D Course preview with splits positions

Clip duration: 23 seconds (0:02:46:73 -> 0:03:09:45) 2dcoursepreviewwithsplitspositions.woc-2008-_long.


Clip duration: 31 seconds (0:05:04:65 -> 0:05:35:69) headcam.woc-2008-_long.


Graphics Startlist

Clip duration: 27 seconds (0:04:23:09 -> 0:04:50:93) graphicsstartlist.woc-2008-_long.

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