Warning: shell_exec() [function.shell-exec]: Unable to execute './math/texvc '/var/www/vhosts/orienteering-tv.net/httpdocs/wiki/images/tmp' '/var/www/vhosts/orienteering-tv.net/httpdocs/wiki/images/tmp' '19 - 1 = ' 'UTF-8'' in /var/www/vhosts/orienteering-tv.net/httpdocs/wiki/includes/Math.php on line 72
Request account - OTV
Request account

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Due to the risk of spam, only registrered users are allowed to edit the information at this website. Please complete and submit the following form to request a user account.

As soon as the account is approved by a human - which typically will be within 24 hours - you will be e-mailed a notification message and you can login and start sharing your wisdom!

User account

A confirmation message will be sent a few minutes after you submit this form. Please respond by clicking on the confirmation link. Note! Please check your spam-filter - these messages are often categorized as spam!

Personal information

You may include some information about yourself here (not required). Note that this information will be viewable ny everyone visiting the page who wants to see who edited an article.

Information about yourself (nationality, club, category, coaching experience, etc.):

To help protect against automated account creation, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):

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