NORT 2011 Stage 2

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NORT 2011 Stage 2 - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from NORT 2011 Stage 2. The women's final is used as example.


The first KnockOut sprint with real TV production. Many good elements in the production - good plan for variation between GPS and camera footage although it did not work all the time. Long duration total camera footage, but long duration prioritized ahead of good angles / good TV pictures.

Map with camera positions


Worked well

Did not work well

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Runner presentation

Clip duration: 36 seconds (0:00:07:56 -> 0:00:43:48) runnerpresentation.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

Start footage

Clip duration: 49 seconds (0:00:48:80 -> 0:01:37:60) startfootage.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

1st control footage (runners coming from unexpected direction)

Clip duration: 71 seconds (0:02:22:64 -> 0:03:33:84) 1stcontrolfootagerunnerscomingfromunexpecteddirection.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

TV 3rd control

Clip duration: 13 seconds (0:05:31:04 -> 0:05:44:84) tv3rdcontrol.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

TV arena passing

Clip duration: 38 seconds (0:05:55:56 -> 0:06:33:64) tvarenapassing.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

TV 9th control - mixed with GPS

Clip duration: 23 seconds (0:09:01:12 -> 0:09:24:16) tv9thcontrolmixedwithgps.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

TV 12th control

Clip duration: 17 seconds (0:09:59:04 -> 0:10:16:16) tv12thcontrol.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

Finish - run-in

Clip duration: 36 seconds (0:10:59:60 -> 0:11:35:00) finishrunin.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS tracking Live all runners

Clip duration: 15 seconds (0:05:06:24 -> 0:05:21:80) gpstrackingliveallrunners.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

GPS Live long sequence

Clip duration: 84 seconds (0:06:51:88 -> 0:08:15:52) gpslivelongsequence.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

GPS Live routechoice

Clip duration: 12 seconds (0:10:25:28 -> 0:10:37:08) gpsliveroutechoice.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material

Route choice preview (very fast - could not understand details)

Clip duration: 7 seconds (0:01:39:72 -> 0:01:46:24) routechoicepreviewveryfastcouldnotunderstanddetails.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.


Graphics Startlist

Clip duration: 4 seconds (0:00:00:48 -> 0:00:04:36) graphicsstartlist.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

Route choice preview 3rd control

Clip duration: 8 seconds (0:04:15:92 -> 0:04:23:16) routechoicepreview3rdcontrol.nort2011_tilfeldigrekkefolge.

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