NORT 2010 Stage 1

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NORT Stage 1 2010 - TV footage analysis

Below is provided an overview of the TV footage from NORT Stage 1 2010. The men's race is considered.


GPS not used optimally? Not clear which types of GPS scenes shown for the viewer / commentator. Software improved since to be more clear.

Map with camera positions


Worked well

Did not work well

Lessons to be learned

Scene analysis - camera footage

Start footage

Clip duration: 25 seconds (0:03:55:70 -> 0:04:20:30) startfootage.nort-1-2010.

TV 1 4.1 km

Clip duration: 7 seconds (0:06:16:95 -> 0:06:23:60) tv14.1km.nort-1-2010.

TV 2 5.1 km

Clip duration: 53 seconds (0:10:27:20 -> 0:11:20:75) tv25.1km.nort-1-2010.

Finish - run-in

Clip duration: 38 seconds (0:13:46:05 -> 0:14:24:80) finishrunin.nort-1-2010.

Scene analysis - GPS data

GPS Live show mistake

Clip duration: 9 seconds (0:04:24:75 -> 0:04:33:35) gpsliveshowmistake.nort-1-2010.

GPS Live 3 runners (seldom used in individual start - does not aid story-telling?)

Clip duration: 24 seconds (0:06:48:65 -> 0:07:12:70) gpslive3runnersseldomusedinindividualstartdoesnotaidstorytelling.nort-1-2010.

GPS Sync Live (or replay x1 - not possible to see from broadcast)

Clip duration: 39 seconds (0:15:28:35 -> 0:16:07:55) gpssyncliveorreplayx1notpossibletoseefrombroadcast.nort-1-2010.

Scene analysis - Pre-produced material


Graphics - startlist

Clip duration: 74 seconds (0:02:06:45 -> 0:03:20:25) graphicsstartlist.nort-1-2010.

Graphics final results

Clip duration: 45 seconds (0:46:14:40 -> 0:46:59:15) graphicsfinalresults.nort-1-2010.

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