EOC 2012 Sprint

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Opening ident

Clip duration: 25 seconds (0:00:06:12 -> 0:00:31:72) openingident.eoc2012sprint_1.

Falun intro

Clip duration: 62 seconds (0:00:35:68 -> 0:01:37:20) falunintro.eoc2012sprint_1.

Course info

Clip duration: 31 seconds (0:02:36:68 -> 0:03:07:52) courseinfo.eoc2012sprint_1.

3D Overfly

Clip duration: 45 seconds (0:03:38:84 -> 0:04:23:76) 3doverfly.eoc2012sprint_1.

POV footage

Clip duration: 40 seconds (0:04:26:24 -> 0:05:06:24) povfootage.eoc2012sprint_1.


Clip duration: 99 seconds (0:05:12:76 -> 0:06:51:64) startlist.eoc2012sprint_1.

2D Route choice preview

Clip duration: 67 seconds (0:07:05:72 -> 0:08:12:08) 2droutechoicepreview.eoc2012sprint_1.

2D Course preview

Clip duration: 13 seconds (0:10:31:08 -> 0:10:44:52) 2dcoursepreview.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS first starter live early in course

Clip duration: 20 seconds (0:11:19:68 -> 0:11:39:16) gpsfirststarterliveearlyincourse.eoc2012sprint_1.

Repeat 2D Route choice preview

Clip duration: 21 seconds (0:13:44:28 -> 0:14:05:44) repeat2droutechoicepreview.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Live GPS against current leader from start before different scenes from TV split 2 and then live GPS against current leader then runner to TV split

Clip duration: 54 seconds (0:32:50:28 -> 0:33:44:96) gpsaspartofstorytelling.livegpsagainstcurrentleaderfromstartbeforedifferentscenesfromtvsplit2andthenlivegpsagainstcurrentleaderthenrunnertotvsplit.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Second time we see live GPS of Hubmann against current leader

Clip duration: 48 seconds (0:34:45:76 -> 0:35:33:88) gpsaspartofstorytelling.secondtimeweseelivegpsofhubmannagainstcurrentleader.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. First time we see Live picture from Hubmann

Clip duration: 74 seconds (0:35:51:12 -> 0:37:05:52) gpsaspartofstorytelling.firsttimeweseelivepicturefromhubmann.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Next time we see GPS from Hubmann

Clip duration: 34 seconds (0:39:32:00 -> 0:40:06:92) gpsaspartofstorytelling.nexttimeweseegpsfromhubmann.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Next time we see TV pictures from Hubmann

Clip duration: 56 seconds (0:42:40:92 -> 0:43:36:84) gpsaspartofstorytelling.nexttimeweseetvpicturesfromhubmann.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Last time we see GPS from Hubmann

Clip duration: 52 seconds (0:44:26:92 -> 0:45:18:28) gpsaspartofstorytelling.lasttimeweseegpsfromhubmann.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. Last time we see TV pictures from Hubmann

Clip duration: 21 seconds (0:47:06:84 -> 0:47:27:64) gpsaspartofstorytelling.lasttimeweseetvpicturesfromhubmann.eoc2012sprint_1.

GPS as part of storytelling. First TV split. Then GPS replay from start. Due to not time to show GPS live from start as other things happened.

Clip duration: 38 seconds (0:02:02:48 -> 0:02:40:64) gpsaspartofstorytelling.firsttvsplit.thengpsreplayfromstart.duetonottimetoshowgpslivefromstartasotherthingshappened..eoc2012sprint_2.

Live GPS against current leader

Clip duration: 35 seconds (0:04:27:96 -> 0:05:02:04) livegpsagainstcurrentleader.eoc2012sprint_2.

GPS as part of storytelling. First live GPS against current leader. Then TV split

Clip duration: 67 seconds (0:07:30:36 -> 0:08:37:48) gpsaspartofstorytelling.firstlivegpsagainstcurrentleader.thentvsplit.eoc2012sprint_2.

Replay Top 3 GPS tracking

Clip duration: 154 seconds (0:17:32:28 -> 0:20:06:64) replaytop3gpstracking.eoc2012sprint_2.


Clip duration: 55 seconds (0:20:47:92 -> 0:21:42:28) interview.eoc2012sprint_2.

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