EOC 2012 Middle

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Clip duration: 27 seconds (0:00:05:28 -> 0:00:32:04) vignette.eoc2012middle_1b.

Orsa intro

Clip duration: 57 seconds (0:01:04:48 -> 0:02:01:36) orsaintro.eoc2012middle_1.

Race info

Clip duration: 16 seconds (0:02:57:52 -> 0:03:13:52) raceinfo.eoc2012middle_1.


Clip duration: 78 seconds (0:03:41:08 -> 0:04:59:60) startlist.eoc2012middle_1b.

POV video

Clip duration: 12 seconds (0:03:19:00 -> 0:03:31:84) povvideo.eoc2012middle_1.

3D Overfly

Clip duration: 41 seconds (0:05:01:52 -> 0:05:42:76) 3doverfly.eoc2012middle_1.

2D Route choice comparison (opener)

Clip duration: 33 seconds (0:05:58:68 -> 0:06:31:28) 2droutechoicecomparisonopener.eoc2012middle_1.

Start footage - with graphics

Clip duration: 43 seconds (0:06:34:32 -> 0:07:17:80) startfootagewithgraphics.eoc2012middle_1.

2D Route choice comparison

Clip duration: 16 seconds (0:07:18:56 -> 0:07:34:40) 2droutechoicecomparison.eoc2012middle_1.

2D Course overview

Clip duration: 12 seconds (0:09:21:12 -> 0:09:33:44) 2dcourseoverview.eoc2012middle_1.

TV split 1 footage (full)

Clip duration: 90 seconds (0:09:49:96 -> 0:11:19:04) tvsplit1footagefull.eoc2012middle_1.

Mistake caught on camera

Clip duration: 71 seconds (0:40:16:36 -> 0:41:27:12) mistakecaughtoncamera.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS Replay mistake

Clip duration: 33 seconds (0:41:31:48 -> 0:42:04:48) gpsreplaymistake.eoc2012middle_2.

Slow Motion replay mistake

Clip duration: 7 seconds (0:42:12:04 -> 0:42:19:36) slowmotionreplaymistake.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS as part of storytelling - first camera, then GPS - camera part

Clip duration: 66 seconds (0:48:53:60 -> 0:49:59:08) gpsaspartofstorytellingfirstcamera,thengpscamerapart.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS as part of storytelling - first camera, then GPS - GPS part

Clip duration: 34 seconds (0:50:30:96 -> 0:51:04:80) gpsaspartofstorytellingfirstcamera,thengpsgpspart.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS as part of storytelling - GPS replay to live against current leader from start

Clip duration: 49 seconds (0:53:45:04 -> 0:54:34:64) gpsaspartofstorytellinggpsreplaytoliveagainstcurrentleaderfromstart.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS as part of storytelling. TV camera - GPS - TV camera

Clip duration: 96 seconds (0:59:18:20 -> 1:00:54:08) gpsaspartofstorytelling.tvcameragpstvcamera.eoc2012middle_2.

GPS as part of storytelling. GPS replay against current leader - into TV camera

Clip duration: 142 seconds (0:18:22:52 -> 0:20:44:88) gpsaspartofstorytelling.gpsreplayagainstcurrentleaderintotvcamera.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS as part of storytelling. First TV split - then GPS replay against current leader

Clip duration: 101 seconds (0:24:16:64 -> 0:25:57:48) gpsaspartofstorytelling.firsttvsplitthengpsreplayagainstcurrentleader.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS as backup when missing actual winner Niggli at TV split due to new leader actual silver in finish - replay from start against current leader

Clip duration: 44 seconds (0:30:15:64 -> 0:30:59:68) gpsasbackupwhenmissingactualwinnerniggliattvsplitduetonewleaderactualsilverinfinishreplayfromstartagainstcurrentleader.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS as part of storytelling - first GPS from start replay against current Top 2, then TV pictures - cut first part of TV split

Clip duration: 65 seconds (0:32:37:40 -> 0:33:42:40) gpsaspartofstorytellingfirstgpsfromstartreplayagainstcurrenttop2,thentvpicturescutfirstpartoftvsplit.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS as part of storytelling, TV split 2. First GPS against current leader, then TV picture

Clip duration: 56 seconds (0:36:08:08 -> 0:37:04:28) gpsaspartofstorytelling,tvsplit2.firstgpsagainstcurrentleader,thentvpicture.eoc2012middle_3.

Intermediate results TV split 1

Clip duration: 30 seconds (0:38:56:88 -> 0:39:26:36) intermediateresultstvsplit1.eoc2012middle_3.

Long shot after finish with handheld camera

Clip duration: 34 seconds (0:42:59:72 -> 0:43:33:36) longshotafterfinishwithhandheldcamera.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS live sync top 4 when last favourite on way towards TV split 2

Clip duration: 71 seconds (0:43:36:12 -> 0:44:47:44) gpslivesynctop4whenlastfavouriteonwaytowardstvsplit2.eoc2012middle_3.

TV footage - complete run-in

Clip duration: 83 seconds (0:47:07:84 -> 0:48:30:00) tvfootagecompleterunin.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS as part of story telling. GPS replay against current leader into live TV of run-in. Note that GPS is just cut when appropriate TV-pictures. Also note that TV picture with runner in was available already from when GPS was shown

Clip duration: 103 seconds (0:48:32:28 -> 0:50:15:48) gpsaspartofstorytelling.gpsreplayagainstcurrentleaderintolivetvofrunin.notethatgpsisjustcutwhenappropriatetvpictures.alsonotethattvpicturewithrunnerinwasavailablealreadyfromwhengpswasshown.eoc2012middle_3.

Standings at finish

Clip duration: 32 seconds (0:57:25:00 -> 0:57:57:96) standingsatfinish.eoc2012middle_3.

GPS Replay Top 3 after race

Clip duration: 105 seconds (0:58:03:16 -> 0:59:48:96) gpsreplaytop3afterrace.eoc2012middle_3.

3-2-1 Slow motion

Clip duration: 32 seconds (1:02:23:72 -> 1:02:55:40) 321slowmotion.eoc2012middle_3.

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